It’s been an awful year in Las Vegas for fatal accidents. Truly awful.
The latest traffic-related death in or around Sin City has claimed the life of an 80-year-old woman who was crossing a street in an unmarked crosswalk in Southwest Las Vegas.
She was struck by a vehicle and died at the scene.
That marked the 93rd traffic-related accident this year.
Initially, police and even the general public blamed the driver whenever there was a traffic-related fatality involving a pedestrian.
The community was besieged with public service types of messages imploring motorists to be more careful.
While that is certainly true, motorists are not the only ones at fault.
Pedestrians, you know people crossing the streets, bear responsibility too.
Having lived in numerous other cities, both large and small , it is nothing to short of amazing to observe pedestrians in all parts of the Las Vegas Valley pay absolutely no attention to their surroundings when crossing a street.
With so many people relocating to Las Vegas from other cities and not being native “Las Vegans”, why do people not know how to cross a street in Las Vegas? Do they think that the rules do not apply here? Are they brains befuddled by all of the neon?
Whatever the cause, it is painfully apparently that many do not, so here are some very simple rules for pedestrians crossing streets in Las Vegas
The same rules apply in casino parking lots and garages. In fact, you should use extra caution because if people are drinking their reflexes are slower.
Now that you know how to cross a street a street in Las Vegas without getting killed, please feel free to share your newly acquired skills with others to help prevent traffic-related pedestrian fatalities.