Missing Vermont woman Melissa Jenkins found dead and a couple with ties to the victim have been arrested.
Allen Prue, 30, and his wife, Patricia Prue, 33 have been arrested. Patricia Prue allegedly called Melissa Jenkins and told her they were having car trouble before she was strangled and left in the Connecticut River.
The Prue’s had snowplowed her driveway in the past however Jenkins had been uncomfortable being around them after both Prues were said to have showed up drunk and asked to plow her driveway again.
Jenkins being the nice and trusting person that she was agreed to help the couple, however it is apparent her antennae was up,
Jenkins was concerned after the call came asking for help because she had felt uncomfortable with both of them in the past so she called her former boyfriend.
She let her former boyfriend know that she had gotten a weird call from a couple who used to plow her driveway and that she was going to help them. She also wanted someone to know what she was doing.
Unfortunately the precautionary measures did not save her Melissa Jenkins’ life ,however it did help police know who to zero in on.
It is alleged that Allen Prues motive is that he wanted to “get a girl” . Plain and simple, he wanted a girl and he and his wife contacted Jenkins.
Jenkins 2 year old son was with in the car and was physically unharmed although he witnessed at least part of the abduction.
The Prues face life imprisonment for the murder of Melissa Jenkins.
Melissa Jenkins Missing from Car in Vermont