Mitt Romney and Harry Reid continue to trade barbs in Las Vegas.
It started with Harry Reid saying that he had “sources” who told him that Romney has not paid taxes in years.
Reid would not and will not, to date, reveal his sources.
All he has said is is that it is a Bain investor.
To many it seems that Reid is simply trying to stir up trouble and doing all that he can to ensure that Obama wins the election and that he will even lie if that will help.
Is that what Harry Reid is all about?
It’s been suggested that if Reid indeed had been contacted by someone with Mitt Romney’s tax records from Bain, then that person has committed a felony and Harry Reid is an accomplice.
Because he is releasing so-called information without revealing the source, Reid is being branded as a “dirty liar” by some.
In all fairness, it’s not roses on the other side of the camp either since Romney has his shares of issues.
One of the biggest issues is for the the average American to believe that Romney has their best interests at heart since it is fairly apparent that due to his life of privilege, he has no clue as to how the vast majority of American’s live.
He’s an extremely wealthy man and his reluctance to release more than 2 years of tax returns has many people wondering why?
Is he fearful that he will be further alienated from from the average Joe Q Public when it is revealed just how much money he did make over the course of the past 10 years?
Or is it something more?
Could Romney have used legal yet questionable tactics to reduce his tax liability.
What about his position at Bain? When did it really end? Will his tax forms open him up to even further scrutiny?
The fighting will not end anytime soon and Mitt Romney and Harry Reid continue to trade barbs.
Reid for his part is not backing down. In an email to his supporters, he wrote,
The other day, I said that I’d been told by a very credible source that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for 10 years. Gov. Romney got upset. But, you know what? I’m not backing down because, when you run for president, you should be an open book. I’m not backing down because Mitt Romney is hiding something — and the American people deserve to know what it is.
The funny thing is that Reid may be right however his tactics have portrayed him in a less than favorable light. Why is he protecting anyone at Bain, if indeed he was truly contacted by someone there? Or anywhere for that matter.
Did he really receive a phone call or is he just trying to incite the public?
Reid says it all about being an “open book” but he is not being open. Doesn’t seem fair.
Romney may garner a good portion of votes because there are many who just want Obama out – all all costs.
All Romney can do is harp on Reid’s comments, without addressing the real issue.
It seems that Romney has spent a good amount of time being on the defensive.
As of late, each time I hear his name, it is because he is denying something. Not good!
Romney has also been talking a lot of mumbo jumbo about his tenure at Bain Capital when they outsourced jobs.
He was required to complete certain disclosures as part of his Presidential bid and here is what he disclosed,
Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee [for the 2002 Winter Olympics]. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.
But, and this is a big but, between 1999 and 2001, Mitt Romney, then the CEO of Bain Capital, signed at least six documents that the private equity firm filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
He then basically says he was there in name only. Not good.
In his recent visit to North Las Vegas, Mitt Romney and Harry Reid continue to trade barbs.
Let me also say categorically, I have paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes. A lot of taxes. So Harry is simply wrong, and that’s why I’m so anxious for him to give us the names of the people who have put this forward. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear the names are people from the White House or the Obama campaign, or who knows where they’re coming from.
One would think that Romney would place the Republican party’s interest about his own.
It makes you wonder what kind of President he would make if he refuses to release this very basic information.
Should Mitt Romney and Harry Reid continue to trade barbs or does this finally need to be put to rest?
It could be put to rest very easily – release your records Mitt Romney!
(as an aside – just in case you re wondering, this author leans Republican but believes in full disclosure.)