Williams Kenneth Greenfield, a 70 year old man from Cal-Nev-Ari was released from federal prison on November 8th after serving 37 months for possession of child pornography over the internet.
After his release from prison, instead of savoring his freedom and working to rebuild his life, he apparently went right back to the same deviant behaviors that had landed him in prison.
8 News Now reports that on December 13th, just a month after his release, Metro Police traced email addresses to Greenfield’s residence that were receiving pornographic videos and images.
A search warrant was obtained and one week later computers and digital devices were taken from Greenfield’s residence.
After analyzing the contents of his computer, it was found that his computer contained more than 600 pornographic images and video depicting children that had been received over the Internet
The disturbing images and videos allegedly contained adults engaged in sexual activity with prepubescent minors.
He had met with his probation officer in Las Vegas on March 14 and admitted to his Probation Officer that he used his email accounts for pornographic activities.
More disturbingly he reportedly said that child pornography is “his thing” and he even provided his account user names and passwords.
He also said that the became sexually aroused talking to pedophiles.
He went on to say that he had a computer in his hotel room which the Probation offer retrieved.
The probation officer found pornographic material on Greenfield’s computer and the FBI subsequently became involved.
On March 16th Greenfield was again arrested.
Nevada man Williams Kenneth Greenfield goes back to jail for child porn and this time around, the 70 year old will serve much more than 37 months he served for his previous offense.
He was sentenced to nearly 22 years after pleading guilty on May 23, 2012 to one count of transporting child pornography.
Due to his age, previous criminal history and his lengthy prison sentence, it is likely Greenfield will die in prison.