Rev. Sun Myung Moon, head of the controversial Unification Church, which was more often referred to as a cult, was 92 years old.
Moon’s followers were often referred to as “moonies” had been hospitalized with pneumonia in August and died Monday at a hospital in Gapyeong, South Korea, according to the Associated Pres. Moon’s wife and children were at his side
Who can forget the bizarre mass wedding that he officiated at held in 1982 at Madison Square Garden in New York. Many of the 2,075 couples had not even met before the wedding.
The “moonies” came from all walks of life and believe that Moon was the second Messiah. They flocked to him and raised money selling flowers on the streets.
While many of his followers lived in poverty, Moon was a multimillionaire and had held interests in many companies as well as real estate investment. Moon’s US empire was vast!
“In early July I spoke in five cities around Korea at rallies held by the Women’s Federation for World Peace. There, I declared that my wife, WFWP President Hak Ja Han Moon, and I are the True Parents of all humanity. I declared that we are the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah.”
For his followers, all matters had to go through Moon. He was even known to simply point to people when there was a gathering, letting them know that they were deemed spiritually ready to be married. His followers happily and blindingly obliged.
At one point in time, membership in the Unification Church was believed to be in the millions until Moon’s popularity waned and raelly the last few years, there has been little to no press about him.
He did spend some time in jail for tax evasion and pulled a stunt back in 2004 declared himself the Messiah and said his teachings have helped Hitler and Stalin be “reborn as new persons.”
More than a dozen lawmakers attended a congressional reception honoring Moon many who later tried to distance themselves and say they did not know what type of ceremony they were attending.
A more likely and plausible scenario was they they did indeed know what type of ceremony they were attending because at that time, Moon was pretty powerful and had vast holding so he was being catered to.
Rev Moon designated his younger son Hyung Jin Moon as his successor.
To read more cults, visit cult expert Rick Ross’ website.