LAS VEGAS — An 18-year-old Las Vegas man, Douglas Castro, has been arrested for impersonating a police officer.
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Castro was driving a car outfitted with flashing lights on Feb 4, when he pulled a woman over in the northwestern part of the valley near Buffalo Drive and Westcliff Drive.
The woman complied and then Castro ordered her to drive off of the main road.
She wisely refused and immediately contacted police.
The victim provided police with the license plate number of the car Castro was driving and police easily located.
He told police that he was only going to tell the woman that he headlight was out and when he realized she was frightened, he drive away.
Since Castro is relatively young, his fascination with impersonating a police officer is especially troubling.
Was he attempting to simply “play cop”, or was he looking to sexual assault someone.
For some that get their kicks impersonating a police officer, they may just want to know what it is like to have the power to pull someone over, however, there is the very real possibility that their behavior will escalate placing anyone that is stopped by a police impersonator in grave danger and the general public should be cognizant of this.
Although most police departments will not outwardly support refusing a direct order of a policeman, many do understand that women especially are wary of being pulled over late at night or in an isolated area.
Most will understand if a person feel uncomfortable and refuses to pull over providing they put on their flashes and drive slowly to a public place. It is also a good idea to immediately contact a trusted family member or friend and 911.
5 tips to protect yourself from falling victim to a Police Impersonator
The victims inner defense mechanism was triggered and she wisely refused to comply.
A very low bail of $2,00- has been set for set for Douglas Castro and he is scheduled to return to court in June.
That means that a potentially dangerous sexual predator who has tools to make him look like a police officer is on the streets.