Adam Mayes, recently named to the FBI’s 10 most wanted list, committed suicide in front of his 2 kidnap victims, Alexandria Bain, 12 and Kyliyah Bain, 8, who may have been his own children.
Police were closing in on Mayes after he allegedly murdered Tennessee mother, Jo Ann Bain and her 14-year-old daughter, Adrienne Bain in Mississippi. After murdering the mother and her older daughter, Mayes kidnapped Jo Ann Bain’s younger daughters, Alexandria and Kyliyah Bain. Mayes shared a close relationship with the Bain family and believed that Alexandria and Kyliyah Bain were his biological children.
Jo Ann and her husband, Gary were preparing to relocate and Mayes, who’s sister Pamela was once married to Gary Bain, stayed the night to assist the family preparing for the move. The upcoming move appears to have been the trigger that caused Mayes to embark on a murderous rampage. Mayes’ mother, Mary Frances Mayes, 65 and wife, Teresa Ann Mayes, 30, have been arrested in connection with the case facing a myriad of charges ranging from first degree murder to especially aggravated kidnapping.
Sinc Mayes was one of the last people to have seen JoAnn Bain and her daughters, he was questioned by police. When police later went to again question him, Mayes had already disappeared.
The days long intensive search and manhunt ended in seconds.
“Let’s see your hands,” the officers shouted.
Mayes got up on his knees, pulled out a 9 mm pistol and shot himself in the head in front of his 2 kidnapping victims, the children he believed to be his biological daughters.
Twelve-year-old Alexandria Bain and 8-year-old Kyliyah sat up and said, “Now we can go home “.
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