LOS ANGELES — A jury has found that there was no basis to the defamation lawsuit brought against Courtney Love in California .
Love had been sued because of a tweet she made in 2010.
In that tweet, Love, who had recently fired an attorney working on a case involving the performer’s late husband, express a statement that she beleived to be true.
Love believed that the attorney, Rhonda Holmes, had been “bought off”, and said so in a post on Twitter.
Love said that she was responding to a question and thought that she was sending privately. She furthers claims that she did not know that her answer was being tweeted publicly, and, as soon as she knew that the tweet was posted publicly, she immediately deleted it.
Holmes claimed that the tweet and other comments made by Love have caused her damage.
Did it? Or did Homes’ lawsuit simply help her gain wider exposure?
It’s difficult to measure.
The decision rendered, thought, is quite important. People have access to social media and are entitled to express their opinions.
In Love’s case, even though the information was incorrect, she did not know it at the time and truly believed what she tweeted.
If a bunch of lawyers and other “monied” folks decide to sue for every statement about them that they do not think is true and has caused them harm, our already clogged legal system will become even further backlogged with lawsuits, many of them likely having no merit.
Love had said that she does not tweet like she used to.
Let’s hope Courtney Love is not feeling too beaten down for expressing her opinions and continues to be true to herself.