Sometimes our criminal system just does not seem fair. Like the David Schubert case. The former disgraced drug prosecutor David Schubert gets off easy.
Schubert, at one time, was a respected guy. He was the Chief Deputy District Attorney and was known for prosecuting some very high profile drug cases involving celebrities.
He prosecuted the Las Vegas drug cases of Paris Hilton and Bruno Mars.
And then something happened to David Schubert; he became a drug addict.
Schubert was arrested in March, 2011 after he was caught buying crack cocaine from a street dealer in the very well known drug corridor of Sierra Vista Drive and Cambridge Street in East Las Vegas.
It was an embarrassing moment for Las Vegas and Schubert was suspended from his position.
Before his employment with the District Attorneys office could be terminated, Schubert resigned from his position. The Nevada Supreme Court had temporarily suspended Schubert’s license to practice law because of his guilty plea in the drug case.
Shubert had his surrender date all prearranged and that date had even been postponed previously at least once.
David Schubert apparently decided that he needed to flee – so he did.
At first, authorities were worried and thought that he might have committed suicide. Suicidal or not, this guy, a former prosecutor no less, was on the lam.
Do you know what happened to Shubert?
He had his sentence reduced. That’s right, the former prosecutor turned drug addict and criminal who was on the lam, got a deal after he was captured.
And a good one at that.
Unbelievable, right?
He initially faced up to 9 months in jail and now he only faces 12 to 30 months.
Who said crime doesn’t pay! I guess it help if you are a former prosecutor who does on the lam.
He even had the audacity to whine when he was in court today saying that he was treated very harshly for his arrest in March 2011 when he was busted for possession of crack cocaine and found with an unregistered handgun in his car.
It’s almost as bad as the case of the former foster father in Las Vegas, Marvie Hill, who fled when he was accused of numerous instances of sexual abuse against his foster children.
Marvie Hill fled as well and was able to negotiate a guaranteed release before he even appeared in court.
You can’t blame the Las Vegas Police. They do a great job. It is the Judges who are responsible for sentencing and the lawyers that they are in bed with that cook up all the deals.
I’d advise the average person to be armed with knowledge in case you get into trouble so that you exercise your right to demand that you receive the same type of treatment that these 2 individuals did.
Fair is fair and if the former disgraced drug prosecutor David Schubert gets off easy, you should too especially if you flee after being arrested and fail to surrender.