A New Hampshire mother Jessica Linscott horribly abuses her own child and is now on the run with her boyfriend.
It appears that her 3 year old son, James, did not have a great support system to begin with.
His own 23 year old mother failed to protect him and simply shirked off her responsibilities as a mother to be with her boyfriend, Roland Dow.
Little James’ father, Jonathan Nicholson, died 3 months after his son was born of a drug overdose.
It is not know if Jessica Linscott or her boyfriend have drug issues as well.
What is known is that little James was brought to a New Hampshire Hospital on November 14, with his small body covered in second-degree and third-degree burns. His wrists and fingers were even burned.
James is temporarily blind from the injuries he suffered, although there is hope that he will regain his eyesight back.
The severely abused little boy has also undergone brain surgery.
The Daily News reports that this monstrous mother, New Hampshire mother Jessica Linscott, says her son’s injuries were self-inflicted.
The duo appears to have inflicted the horrific abuse on this poor child.
New Hampshire mother Jessica Linscott and Roland Dow, her boyfriend, did not turn themselves into authorities as expected.
That’s something that is hard to swallow. Why were they even provided that opportunity? They nearly killed a child.
They took off apparently not caring what condition little James was in or whether he lives.
Even more troubling, is that they appear to have people willing to help them supplying them with cash and a vehicle so that they can evade the law.
What kind of people behave like that while a 3 year old child is nearly dead!
She is also accused of not seeking treatment for James on six occasions between Nov. 12 and 14.
New Hampshire, Rockingham County Attorney Jim Reams said the abuse happened multiple times over a one-month period.
Little James also reportedly suffered seizures and symptoms connected to the beating.
There have been numerous sightings of the couple but they still have not been apprehended. Some have speculated that Jessica Linscott is a victim of James Dow, although most accounts paint her as a “monster mother” who is fully responsible for the injuries inflicted on her child.
Interestingly, Maggie Bishop, director of the state Division for Children, Youth & Families (DCYF), said there were no “founded” or “unfounded” complaints regarding the 3-year-old and added, “That just tells you I have no prior involvement.”
Sometimes people talk in riddles, and prepare well-crafted public statements. The head of the DCYF should state in simple and clear terms if they have ever had any dealings with the family at all. There seems to be some type of hidden meaning in that statement released.
New Hampshire mother Jessica Linscott has been charged with five counts of child endangerment and Roland Dow has been charged with six counts. Dow also faces first-degree and second-degree assault charges.
One person who seems to care is the toddler’s paternal Grandmother, Helen Nicholson, who reportedly has been by her grandson’s side.
She says she warned Jessica Linscott that the boy was not safe in the hands of her boyfriend, however there is information saying that she reported her grandchild’s mother to DCYF yet the head of DCYF seems to be saying otherwise.
James’ grandfather, Paul Nicholson, who is divorced from Helen NIcholson said that when the child was visiting his grandmother, he became upset when his mother came to pick him up and said, “I don’t want to go”.
Let’s hope that little James makes a full recovery and that New Hamphire mother Jessica Linscott and Roland Dow are apprehended soon.
More importantly, let’s also hope that the DCYF realizes that some people do not deserve to be reunited with their children. New Hampshire mother Jessica Lindscott would be a good place to start.