Simon Gann and Jordan Gann are identical twin brothers who have led a life of crime conning people.
I had read a very brief story about a con man named Simon Gann conning both women and men out of money in Las Vegas and became interested in finding out more about Simon Gann and his exploits.
Since Simon Gann has been sighted in Las Vegas, I wanted to warn readers, particularly women, about him and started to do some research.
I was astounded at what I found.
What initially started out as a single article about a 32-year-old con man, has now evolved into a multiple part series, spanning 11 articles, detailing the worldwide exploits of two identical twins, known as the Gann Twins, who are longtime con artists and have scammed people around the globe. Their names are Simon Gann and Jordan Gann.
The story of Simon Gann and his identical twin brother, Jordan Gann is truly an interesting one.
Simon and Jordan Gann are big time con artists, who are treated repeatedly by the judges that ultimately sentence them, like small time criminals. I thought there were laws in place for career criminals but both Simon and Jordan Gann seem immune from it.
These two brothers, the Gann Twins, also referred to as the twin Romeos, Romeo twins and Romeo robbers, are apparently fairly intelligent and decent looking; yet they decided long ago to pursue a life of crime conning people, mainly women, out of money.
What is most surprising though, is that for Simon Gann, he seems to continually slip though the grasp of authorities and even when caught, he gets placed in jail briefly on a parole violation, serves a short jail stint and is back out on the streets lining up his next victim. Again and again.
For people that haven’t been the victim of a con, it is hard for them to understand how someone could be totally taken advantage of.
For the people that have been victims, they will tell you that the people that conned them were so believable and effortlessly explained away the many “red flags” that arose.
That’s what people will likely say if you ask them about the notorious identical twins Simon Gann and Jordan Gann.