WBRZ in Louisiana posted this gem:
VIENNA – Austrian police did not need sniffing dogs to locate this suspected heist – 9.5 tons of garlic.
That’s a lot of garlic!
The Austria Press Agency says police stopped three overloaded and sagging vans about to cross into Hungary from Austria on Wednesday and found them packed to the roof with the pungent cargo.
After questioning the five men in the vehicles they charged them on suspicion of receiving stolen goods.
Police say the garlic apparently came from Spain and estimate its value at $37,500.
It was not revealed where it was supposed to go to.
I didn’t know the smelly, pungent stuff that is a staple in many households was worth that much! $37,500!
The men – all Romanian nationals – were not named, in line with Austrian privacy laws.
Can you imagine the ribbing they will get in jail. What are you hear for? Murder, theft, forgery or a fight. And the men that they are in prison for stealing garlic. And a lot of it.
Speaking of garlic, did you know that many people swear by it and say that is can ward off a host of illnesses.
There are people that use garlic as an natural way to reduce their cholesterol, to help reduce blood pressure and some even use it as an overall strengthening of their immune systems.
You can even get garlic capsules so you don’t stink of garlic.
If you are going to try any of the natural cures, please check with your Doctor first because garlic also has blood thinning qualities and can interact negatively with other medications.
As for the garlic thieves, the APA cites one officer as saying it was clear what the vans were carrying even before their doors were opened. “All three vehicles really stunk like garlic,” he says.