With the Supreme Court ruling that Obamacare is a tax, the issue is still far from over and the battles are only beginning. The White House wants you to believe Obamacare is not a tax and it is Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary who has been tasked with artfully convincing Americans of this.
Republicans , in a sense, are pleased with the Supreme Court’s ruling since they hope to further educate the American Public that President Obama says one thing and really means another so they will fully attempt to use it to their advantage.
But how can it not be a tax if the Supreme Court, the highest judicial court says it is, you may ask?
Well Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary is tasked with aggressively communicating to the public that it is not a tax because that is how President Obama originally sold his idea for what many think amounts to socialistic health care. Health care that will be controlled by the government who can, and likely will, withhold treatment as they see fit which is a very scary prospect for our nation.
Therefore, in spite of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, the White House wants you to believe Obamacare is not a tax and it is Jay Carney’s job to prove it. To heck with the Supreme Court’s ruling to the contrary.
Jay Carney is doing his job however challenging that may be. You may remember how widely ridiculed he was when he said he knew 3 Hillary Rosen’s
Carney’s tactic is to convey that the “penalty” will only affect about 1 percent of Americans. That 1 percent will be those who refuse to get health insurance and they will therefore be penalized.
Apparently, according to Carney’s logic, since only 1% will be affected by what the Supreme Court has ruled is a tax, the White House wants you to believe Obamacare is not a tax because they predict that only approximately 1% of American’s will be affected so that figure shouldn’t count
Get it? I know, it’s confusing.