LAS VEGAS — A former Henderson high school teacher who admitted that she had an inappropriate relationship with a student has received probation.
Amanda Brennan was arrested last May and faced two counts of luring a child and a count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
The teacher had an inappropriate and illegal relationship with a 15-year-old male student. His parents became suspicious when they saw Brennan pick up their son in her vehicle and reported their suspicions to authorities.
Investigators found that the pair had exchanged over 1,000 text messages.
The pair denied that they had intercourse and both said they were in love with each other.
Brennan’s hearing was initially delayed and it appears that the 25-year-old former teacher was able to cut a favorable deal for herself. Once she successfully completes the five years of probation, 8 News Now reports that she will be provided with the opportunity to have her felony conviction reduced to a misdemeanor.
Why was Amanda Brennan given such favorable treatment at her sentencing hearing on Tuesday? Was it because of her relatively young age? Or, was it because of her gender?
Her lawyer said she was just naive.
The Nevada judicial system, and to an extent society in general, does not view female teachers that are sexual offenders and prey on vulnerable students as harshly as men.
Melvyn Sprowson, a former Las Vegas kindergarten teacher, had a relationship with a girl of legal age who was not his student and whom he had no connection with through school channels, yet he is currently being held without bail.
Tanikka Queen,a young female teacher was arrested for having an illegal and inappropriate relationship with a 15-year-old boy but she was granted bail. If she is able to come up with the bail money she will be released on house arrest.
All teachers regardless of their gender or age are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the law. Period.
Amanda Brennan in addition to serving probation is required to registered as a sex offender.
Gender injustice send the wrong message to teachers and students.