Ivanice Harris, known to most as Ivy Harris, was a prostitute who traveled what is known as “the circuit”
The 28-year-old was from Portland, Ore., and was living in Las Vegas at the time of her disappearance.
She had traveled to Hawaii for an extended period with another prostitute Jillian Gibides and her pimp, Mark Miles.
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Gibides confirmed to authorities that Harris was a prostitute.
The two women even appeared in an ad together on May 11 offering their services.
Both women had posted previous escort ads in Hawaii, including one in April 2012 in which Harris clearly stated that money “exchanged is strictly for my quality time.”
She was last seen on May 16, outside of a Waikiki bar talking with a man.
Her naked body was found May 20, in an area on a beach in Wai’anae, which is a 50-minute drive from the bar where she was last seen.
She was strangled and severely beaten.
Harris was identified by her fingerprints.
Harris’ brother, according to her Facebook page was murdered during a robbery in 2011.
Toxicology reports discovered that Harris was pregnant and had marijuana in her system.
Police soon zeroed in on 38-year-old US Marine Master Sgt. Nathaniel Cosby.
The two were seen kissing in the elevator of the hotel where he was staying.
According to West Hawaii Today, hours later, hotel surveillance shows Cosby alone in the elevator and pulling a large duffle bag, which he loaded in the back of a sport utility vehicle.
Police believe that Harris was killed in Cosby’s hotel room and then he later transported and dumped her body.
Cosby has been charged with unpremeditated murder, voluntary manslaughter, obstructing justice and attempting to patronize a prostitute and is being held in pretrial confinement at the Pearl Harbor Brig.
Prostitution is a dangerous way of life.
Aside from women who are in forced servitude and have no choice, there are far too many women who voluntarily choose the prostitution lifestyle.
Initially they believe it to be a lucrative lifestyle filled with glitz and glamour.
They find out all too soon that. aside from traveling to numerous cities and perhaps having some nice clothes, they are virtually penniless because they turn over all of their earnings to their pimp.
According to Chelsea Hoffman at AllVoices, Ivy Harris may have been involved in robbing ‘Johns’ that were patronizing her services.
A copy of a confidential e-mail Hoffman claims to have received from someone familiar with the case wrote,
Harris’ family was seeking donations to return their daughter’s body home for burial.
If you are involved in the prostitution industry and want to get out Hookers For Jesus based in Las Vegas offers assistance including transitional housing.
Other resources include local police departments and churches.
If you are being trafficked, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center offers valuable resources including referrals and can be reached at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733).