After a week of waiting, the NRA speaks out about Newtown Connecticut massacre.
They held their press conference in Washington, DC this morning to address the tragedy that occurred only a week ago.
Here is a link to the full transcript of the NRA press conference.
David Keene, the President of the National Rifle Association (NRA) opened up the conference and let the world know that all of their members mourn with the nation regarding the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
He was interrupted by a protester who was holding up a sign and it truly seemed to take a long time before the protester was subdued and removed. How he was able to get in to the press conference is unknown.
Keene then turned over the floor to NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the NRA.
LaPierre’s “speech” was a bit long-winded and was not shown in it’s entirely by most of the local news channels.
He did make some very good points. Namely, that all major institutions are protected by armed security. The President, Congressional Offices and banks are all afforded armed protection yet our schoolchildren are not protected which, in essence, serves as an invitation for disturbed kids to attempt to make their mark.
LaPierre also made a reference to having some type of national database for mentally ill individuals so that they would not be able to purchase guns.
That proposal seems a bit farfetched since the count would never be accurate since it’s ever changing and the mechanics of implementing such a system would, not only infringe on our freedom, it would also change the scope of American free choice and move us toward a communist type of mentality.
The NRA did volunteer a number of services to help create more safety in schools.
As mentioned before, it not guns that are the problem, it is the parents of children that fail to take actions.
Adam Lanza was a very disturbed and dangerous person. Very. His mother Nancy Lanza, once told a babysitter never to turn his back on Adam Lanza, even to go to the bathroom. Lanza was only 10 years old at the time.
Why would a mother keep guns in the home when dedicating her life to full time parenting of a deeply disturbed and dangerous child? Why would she teach him how to shoot.
Couldn’t she find a better and more productive outlet? She had the money and she had the time to pursue many interests yet she chose to bring guns into her home when she had a dangerous individual living there.
That’s not the NRA’s fault or society’s fault. The fatal decision that was a conscious one made solely by Nancy Lanza..
Analyze it however you want – bottom line was that it was a very poor and ultimately deadly decision.
It seems that Nancy Lanza was considering committing Adam Lanza and this might have prompted the deadly, tragic Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting, although it is still unclear why he chose the school.
The NRA has over 4 million members and advocates gun safety. Perhaps their expertise will be put toward good use .
The answer is not outlawing guns.