Another woman has been beaten up by LA Police. It seems that Los Angeles has their own brand of acceptable conduct, approved directly by the Chief. We’ll call it Police Brutality LA Style.
Police Brutality LA Style is when these so-called cops beat a woman up who is already restrained and nothing happens to the cops involved. A few harsh words are said in the media and then it seems that, behind closed doors, there’s a lot of back-slapping going on. You know just guys being guys and cops being cops.
Doesn’t say much about the so-called “men” on the force or their leadership.
An unnamed woman was recently shocked with a taser by LA Police.
Was the woman beating the cops senseless and they had no choice but to Taser her? Was the woman whacked out on drugs and showing the strength of 3 men, making the LA Police Officer fearful for his life?
No to both.
Well then, what was she doing to that made these cops so scared. I mean, after all, there were four of them so she must have done something.
That’s a negative. The woman was in handcuffs.
Apparently Officer Jorge Santander thought it was a fun thing to do. He was even joking with his fellow officers while administering the taser.
He and his fellow sadistic officers, all four of them, got a big kick out of it. Just another day at work.
They laughed and laughed at the plight of the woman they were having fun brutalizing.
That’s Police Brutality LA Style.
These “cops” lied about the whole thing and, according to FOX News, they also failed to tell supervisors that one officer had recorded it on video.
Those cops sure stick together. Especially the bad ones.
Prosecutors declined to file any charges against the guys. That’s sad. It makes you wonder if anyone is being paid off.
Supposedly, Chief Charlie Beck wants all 4 cops involved fired. He talks tough but, in actuality, does nothing.
Maybe he is feeling the pressure because this is the 4th fairly recent publicized case of Police Brutality LA Style.
At the end of August, Michelle Jordan, was the target of Police Brutality LA Style. She too was in handcuffs and was pummeled by the LA Cops.
She was stopped for talking on her cell phone and became “mouthy”.
To show her what “men” they were, they gave her a really severe beating. Her face arms, and shoulders were covered in purple bruises.
And you know what Chief Charlie Beck did?
The same things he is doing now.
He’ll make some “tough-talking” statements about how he will investigate the matter personally.
And that’s about it.
In the case of Michelle Jordan, the commander of the area where the attack occurred, Captain Joseph Hiltner, was disciplined.
If you can call it that.
He lost two full ranks.
Was he suspended? Forced to attend any type of training? Was he publicly disciplined? No, no and no.
He lost a little bit of salary, had a little bit of his area taken away from him (to compensate for his reduced area) but he’s still a Captain and it’s business as usual. He was even assigned to “working from home” with full pay.
Ironically, Hiltner is suing the Chief saying that Chief Beck is retaliating against him for unrelated actions. Earlier this year, the HIltner had defended another Captain in a harassment and discrimination case. The captain in question was exonerated and Hiltner claims he has been targeted for removal ever since.
There are some applications for both iPhone and Android devices that can help protect you. You will still likely get severely beat up, especially if you are a woman in LA, however, you will, at least, be able to show the world what happened to you, even if you are beaten to death!
The app is called Police Tape and is allows you to secretly record the Police. The app is from the ACLU of New Jersey. You can easily activate it before you are stopped by police.
Perhaps if citizens arm themselves with these types of apps and communicate with the ACLU, the public pressure might force Captain Beck, to take real steps to end Police Brutality LA Style. Not lip service.
At the very least, perhaps he will take much more severe actions against cops that get off beating up people that are already restrained.
One can hope!