It’s a small thing I know, however, it is really frustrating that some people do not know that are supposed to walk to the right.
It’s infuriating when you are walking, on the street for example, and someone is coming right in your path, because they are do not feel they need to walk to the right. They are walking on the left, or in the middle and even have the audacity to give you a dirty look as your squeeze past them.
The encounter could have been prevented if they would practice a simple, basic courtesy. Walk to the right!
What about the grocery store? Same thing. You walk to the right, pushing a heavy fileld to the brim shopping cart and some bonehead is again right in your path acting annoyed and thinking you should move. They shouldn’t have been there in the first place if they practiced a basic, human courtesy. You guesses it – walk to the right!
I see it daily on the streets in Las Vegas, particularly on the Las Vegas Strip.
Throngs of people on the street talking over the entire sidewalk and even crosswalk, because, somehow, they feel they are entitled to. If you are int he unfortunate position of walking int he opposite direction, you just need to push your way through since there is no “right lane” so to speak – the people are just all over the place.
Some things do not, or should not need to be taught to someone that possesses basic intelligence. And if, for some reason, someone is really that clueless, or perhaps sheltered that they did not know, then they should quickly be able to ascertain that they should walkto the right just by paying attention to their surrounding.
it reminds me of the movie Midnight Express where Billy Hayes, while in a Turkish prison, walks in the opposite direction of all the other prisoners. He had a reason, though. He was coming our of his insane phases so we’ll excuse that faux pas.
Everyone else needs to walk to the right!