Have you noticed that Las Vegas Foot Massage parlors are everywhere? Are Las Vegas Foot Massage parlors a front for something else?
It used to be that you saw Massage signs throughout Las Vegas.
Dingy, neon signs with just one word – Massage.
They seemed to be everywhere, although they were mostly concentrated in strip shopping malls, next to cash checking places and adjacent to Chinese restaurants.
They were open 24/7 and even in a 24/7 town like Las Vegas, it seemed odd.
Some thought they might be a front for prostitution.
Turns out they were right.
Massage parlors, usually Asian run business, are linked with prostitution and human trafficking and it’s not just a Las Vegas problem.
There have been stings in many cities including Tampa,and Boston, resulting in numerous arrests.
In Pennsylvania, young girls were forced into servitude at Massage parlors.
Any stings made usually result in numerous arrests for prostitution and more chillingly, authorities find evidence of human trafficking.
Some girls are working off a debt that never ends, while others innocently apply for a job and are forced into prostitution.
A lot of negative attention was focused on Massage parlors due to the tie-in with prostitution and human trafficking.
In Las Vegas, for example, a strange phenomena occurred.
The Massage parlor signs started disappearing. One by one, and almost overnight, the Massage signs were gone.
Could these illegal business’ really be gone?
Not a chance.
In their place, bright Foot Massage signs started cropping up..
In Chinatown, for example, in Southwest Las Vegas, there are at least 9 Foot Massage parlors within a mile. At least. I’ve lost count.
So are Las Vegas Foot Massage parlors a front for something else?
How can these 9 business’, for example, located so close to each other survive by giving foot massages?
Is everyone getting foot massages? Are people lining up 10 deep, clamoring to get the tootsies pampered?
Are high rollers leaving the casinos in droves at 4am to get a foot massage in Las Vegas? Why not use a casino salon?
Where are the limos? Where are any cars for that matter? There are hardly any cars at all. Sometimes none.
Just lots of neon signs visible from lonely, empty lots with two words – Foot massage.
What’s with all the foot massage places and why are the massage places gone?
It appears that the licensing requirements had been tightened up to operate a “Massage Parlor”, although there is an exception to the massage laws for reflexology, known better in Las Vegas as simply, “Foot Massage”.
Is that the reason why, the Foot massage business has blossomed in Las Vegas, due to the less stringent requirements?
Although there are some foot massage parlors that are surely legitimate, they appear to be in the minority.
Forced prostitution and human trafficking, unfortunately, is still alive and well in Las Vegas.
Are Las Vegas Foot Massage parlors a front for something else?
What do you think?