In the wake of the deadly murderous rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the nation is on heightened alert. After receiving tips from parents and students, a former Las Vegas student arrested with an assault weapon on a Las Vegas school campus adds to a growing nationwide concern.
Numerous states have received tips about potential problems such as kids that are suspected of planning a copycat type of school massacre.
Jake Howell, 18, was arrested earlier today, according to 8 News Now.
He was reportedly on school campus property at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy and had in his possession an assault weapon.
Although it wasn’t loaded, there was ammunition for the gun found in his car.
It is said that he did not make disturbance and was reportedly charged with a misdemeanor.
Why was the former student on campus property at a school in which he was reportedly a former student in the first place?
More importantly, why was this former student on the school property with a gun and ammunition?
Since he is only 18, does he live at home?
Are his parents aware that their son has a gun? Do they care?
Does Jake Howell have a collection of guns?
Has he suffered any bouts of mental illness or drug abuse?
These are the types of questions that need to be asked.
Adam Lanza, who killed 25 people, the majority of them small school children, was a very disturbed kid but his wealthy mother took up gun collecting and shooting as a hobby, to pass the time, and taught her disturbed child all about guns.
Not a very bright decision and one that likely cost many people their lives.
What about Jake Howell?
Why was he on school property, where he was a former student, with an assault rifle and ammunition for it?
Can you think of any good reason why the former Las Vegas student arrested with an assault weapon on a school campus would be there in the first place?
Parents need to be more involved in their children’s lives! Period,