Nightclubbing in Las Vegas is a great way to unwind and enjoy yourself.
Fortunately, Las Vegas has plenty of nighttime activities to keep you busy.
With an abundant nightlife and some of the best nightclubs in the world, the nightclubs are often packed with like-minded party goers who just want to enjoy themselves, however, there is a dark side that few like to discuss.
Although nightclubbing in Las Vegas is fun, if you are not careful, you could end up the victim of a sexual assault or a robbery and not even remember what happened.
Spiking drinks with GHB and other substances does happen.
Much more often than you think.
Internet message are full of stories from women and men of all ages who say they were drugged while visiting Las Vegas.
You may think that if you are a guy that you have nothing to worry about and nothing could be further from the truth.
Both men and women have reported being assaulted or robbed.
One man claims to have awoken in his room at the Hard Rock unable to recall how he got back to his room and he was missing his iPhone and $1,400.
Numerous women have recounted tales of waking up in their hotel room feeling out of sorts with their clothes in disarray and not being able to remember what happened. Some wake up in the room or home of a stranger and have no idea how they got there.
Other people think they have flashbacks of an attack but aren’t sure if they are dreaming or not so many assaults are not even reported.
The most common way for a person to fall victim is to accept drinks from someone you do not know.
If the drink offered is spiked, within a short period of time, you are “out-of-it” and led out, or carried out, of the club.
Women can consider wearing anti-rape underwear to help ward off an attacker, however,
it’s effectiveness is highly controversial.
Although law enforcement regularly monitors the night clubs, they cannot be everywhere.
Nightclubbing in Vegas is fun but you have to be careful and exercise common sense.